Zan Barrage


I was seven when I was given my first watercolour box. It was magical. A tin box with tons of chalky colours and a horrible brush to go with it. But oh did it take me places. I would sit for hours blending colours, attempting to paint the world around me. Today my box is filled with artist quality paints and my brushes are sable and squirrel. My tools have changed, but the journey is still the same: A love for colours and light, and epic struggles to put these on paper.

When I teach, I focus on method and tools. I don’t want you to paint like me, I want to give you the skills you need so you can discover your own voice. Be prepared for intensive sessions with lots of work and even homework. You will do many paintings, but you will also fill pages and pages of practice and exercises to hone your skills and perfect your personal style.

I paint because I fall in love with a moment. Sometimes I capture it successfully, and other times, too many times, I fail.  I am proud to say that my artwork has seeped into private collections from Australia through Europe to North America. I cherish all my collectors and value their choice to own my artwork. In a way, a work of art is not whole until someone owns it. I am grateful for that.

A classically trained artist, Zan is the recipient of several award for plein air painting in Ontario. He is the founder and past president of Ontario Plein Air Society, a group of Ontario painters dedicated to painting the Canadian landscape from life.


