Our Story

About Us

Video created by LifeSketch Media. VAM thanks The Community Foundation of Mississauga for its funding for this project.

Discover Visual Arts Mississauga!

For over 45 years, Visual Arts Mississauga (VAM) has been a vibrant and important centre for fine art courses and creative opportunities serving the Greater Mississauga Area. We honour our past and look forward to many more years of community building through art-making.

VAM at Riverwood is a not-for-profit charitable arts organization and one of Mississauga’s pillar arts and culture organizations. VAM operates under the CRA Business and Charities Number of 11904 3701 RR000.

VAM’s Days to Remember

This 2017 booklet was created in celebration of our 40th Anniversary and recognizes the history of the visual arts collectives associated with VAM and their artistic contributions to the City of Mississauga.